Becoming, not just arriving

In seasons of transition, when life feels like it’s flipping upside down, we often find ourselves in liminal space—no longer where we were, but not yet where we’re going. In these moments, one question has the power to reshape our future:

Who do I want to become?

At first, this question can feel overwhelming. It requires deep reflection, and it often asks us to leave something behind—something that may have been a part of us for a long time. But whether this transition is intentional or unexpected, change always demands a letting go and a stepping into.

By asking this question intentionally, we stop leaving our future to chance. Instead of letting it unfold by happenstance, we become active participants in creating the life we truly desire.

But there’s an essential co-pilot on this journey: our mindset.

Approaching this question with an abundance mindset is critical. The opposite of abundance is scarcity, and a scarcity mindset limits our ability to think expansively. Fear narrows our vision, dulls our creativity, and keeps us from seeing new possibilities.

So how do we access abundance while exploring the question of who we want to become?

It starts with generosity.

Even when we feel like we’re in need, choosing to give—to contribute, encourage, or support others—expands our sense of possibility. Generosity isn’t always financial; it can be as simple as offering a listening ear or sending an unexpected message of encouragement. These small acts unlock abundance in our hearts, shifting our mindset and opening up a playground for transformation.

As we explore the question of who we want to become, certain foundational questions act like a Polaroid picture—gradually bringing the future version of ourselves into focus.

Journaling Prompts for Becoming

1. Reflection on the Past & Letting Go

• What aspects of my past self no longer serve who I want to become?

• What habits, mindsets, or beliefs am I holding onto out of fear rather than purpose?

2. Identifying Core Principles

• What are my non-negotiable values that must accompany me into the next chapter?

• What is my why—the driving force behind everything I do?

3. Envisioning the Future Self

• If I knew I couldn’t fail, what would I pursue?

• What qualities, skills, or mindsets does my future self embody?

4. Embracing Abundance & Growth

• Where in my life am I operating from a scarcity mindset? How can I shift toward abundance?

• How can I practice generosity today, even if I feel I have little to give?

5. Creating Action & Momentum

• What is one small habit I can start today that my future self would thank me for?

• Who in my life can support or challenge me on this journey?

Bonus: Deepening Self-Inquiry

• Is there a recurring thought or belief that causes me stress? Is it true? Can I absolutely know that it’s true? (Inspired by Byron Katie’s “The Work”)

• What do I want to experience during my life? (Inspired by Martha Beck’s coaching approach)

• Imagine you’re at the end of your life looking back. What would you regret not doing? (Inspired by Gay Hendricks’ reflections)

By taking time to explore these questions, we begin to shape our next chapter with intention. Who we become isn’t just a matter of circumstances—it’s a choice. And that choice begins with the questions we dare to ask ourselves.


Living by design


Who will train the pilots?