Everything was once a dream

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy stood before the world and declared an audacious dream: to send a man to the moon and bring him back safely. At the time, the technology didn’t exist. Scientists weren’t sure how it could be done.

Yet, eight years later, Neil Armstrong set foot on the lunar surface. The roads we drive on, the satellites that guide our GPS, and even the tiny camera in your phone owe something to that one bold dream.

But here’s the deeper truth:
Everything around you—
The chair you’re sitting on,
The screen you’re reading this on,
Even the invisible hum of Wi-Fi in the air—
Was once someone’s dream.

Someone dared to imagine a world where information could travel at the speed of light.
Where voices could fly across oceans.
Where roads could stretch into the horizon,
And where the unseen could be made visible.

What will you dream into existence?
What will the world around us owe to your imagination?

The next time you pick up a device, step onto a sidewalk, or watch the sunrise through a windowpane, remember:
The extraordinary wasn’t born in comfort.
It was born in someone’s willingness to dream big and work tirelessly to bring it to life.

Take a moment and look around you. What’s one thing in your environment that inspires you to dream bigger? Share it in the comments—I’d love to hear your perspective.


Angel of the battlefield


Rush to symptom